The preliminary steps to facilitate use of these older platforms may involve replacing PRAM batteries, dead hard drives, leaking electrolytic capacitors, shot diodes, and the like. All the newer computers running Windows or Mac OS X 10.2+ already have networking support over Ethernet, WiFi or other protocols which can be adequately covered elsewhere on the Internet. Some areas of this guide will not be relevant based on hardware or software incompatibilities (i.e. This Guide will be primarily focused on networking any Macintosh from the Macintosh 512K up to the last 'Beige G3' series that came out just before the first-generation iMac, with either Ethernet or serial data methods like LocalTalk. It is hoped that this guide will be a useful reference source. Mainly, this guide attempts to be very thorough and cover all the most pertinent options for networking and all the related steps to facilitate networking. Most of this guide was written with the 'somewhat computer literate' user in mind, as to make it as accessible to the broadest span of computer users. This guide will detail the steps and procedures required to network the former generation of Macintoshes to each other, and to modern computers and networks. Welcome to the third and final iteration of the Classic Mac Networking Guide.